Sunday, December 20, 2009

There is SOME good news regarding Christmas and gluten-free eating

Do you have a Whole Foods store near you? If yes, you are in luck if you are tired of navigating thru the countless food choices to find gluten-free food because Whole Foods is a Godsend!

My husband, Jeff, and I live a good 30 minutes from anywhere in a small Texas town but today we got brave and ventured out to a north Austin Whole Foods. That grocery chain did start in my home town, btw, so we really love Whole Foods for many reasons. We didn't stay long because it was so packed and they did not make the aisles big enough, really, for carts but we stayed long enough to locate the gluten-free bakery section.

We are now feeling the effects of a sugar high after consuming chocolate cupcakes (with great icing!!), peanut butter cookies and chocolate cookies. It's been so long since we had food like that in the house that we went a little nuts. It was all gluten free so at least we know we won't have a gluten hangover tomorrow!

The desserts are REALLY good and taste like good ole gluten-filled regular treats. The brand name is the "Gluten Free Bakehouse."

Go out and get something really decadent that is gluten-free! It will help you get in the holiday spirit and not feel so left out of what the "normal" folks are eating!


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